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Burial Hex is a post industrial project established in 2004 by Clay Ruby of Madison, Wisconsin, United States. He coined the term "Horror Electronics", which he performs "to prepare for the final mysteries in the twilight of the Kali Yuga," The music of Burial Hex/Horror Electronics incorporate influences ranging from Tangerine Dream to power electronics, new wave, black metal, medieval/renaissance musics, Horror movie soundtracks, and all manner of industrial music. Ruby has released a stunning amount of LPs, CDs, CDRs and cassettes in the underground, both solo and in splits or collaborations with artists such as Zola Jesus, Ludo Mich, Kinit Her, Sylvester Anfang II, Oath, Mumber Toes, Joshua Norton Cabal and Skin Graft for labels like Cold Spring, Aurora Borealis, SNSE and Cult Cassettes labels, among others. Burial Hex performs very exciting and dangerous live actions, having played many times, on both the west and east coast of the United States, extensive performances in the midwest and a total of 6 tours throughout Europe. http://burialhex.bandcamp.com [fan site] https://www.facebook.com/pages/Burial-Hex/159520650742375