About Miroslav Vitous
Many gifted musicians start playing at an early age, and Vitouš (his name is almost always spelled Miroslav Vitous, without the caron) began playing the violin at the age of six. He subsequently played the piano at age 10, before settling on the bass at 14. He studied under F. Posta at the Prague Conservatory in Czechoslovakia. The history of the conservatory is fascinating, with noteables such as Antonín Dvořák serving as their director. The conservatory has a very disciplined program requiring all students to study for 6 years and pass stringent exams. During this time he played in a trio with his brother Alan, and Jan Hammer. After winning a scholarship to the Berklee College of Music in Boston, he came to the U.S. A year later in 1966, Miroslav moved to New York & collaborated with musicians such as Bob Brookmeyer, Chick Corea, Miles Davis, Art Farmer, Stan Getz, Charlie Mariano, and Herbie Mann. In 1970, the group Weather Report was formed along with Wayne Shorter and Joe Zawinul. Three years later, he formed the Miroslav Vitous Group along with [artist]John Surman, Kenny Kirkland and Jon Christensen. In 1979, Vitous became the director of the Jazz Department at the New England Conservatory in Boston. We will explore more of his teaching experience under the educator section. In 1982, Vitous reunites Chick Corea and Roy Haynes and tours the world, and produces 2 albums under the ECM label. There were several performances at the Pittsburg Symphony Orchestra and at Music of Viva in Boston. In 1988, he removed himself from academia in order to focus all his energy on composing and performing. Around this time, he returned to Prague and recorded an album with his brother. Miroslav Vitous has performed in several concerts and festivals around Europe. This touches the surface in exploring Vitous' musical experience, and there's more to be found under the musician section. [url=http://miroslavvitous.com/ nofollow=yes]http://miroslavvitous.com/[/url] Miroslav Vitouš (6. prosince 1947 Praha) je český jazzový basista. V šesti letech začal hrát na housle, v deseti na piáno a když mu bylo čtrnáct, začal hrát na basu. Jedna z jeho prvních skupin se jmenovala Junior Trio. Na bicí hrál jeho bratr Alan a na klávesy jiný známý český muzikant Jan Hammer. Studoval hudbu na pražské konzervatoři. Mezitím zvítězil v mezinárodní hudební soutěži ve Vídni a zajistil si tak stipendium na Berklee College of Music v americkém Bostonu. Jako zakádající člen skupiny jazzrockové Weather Report spolupracoval s muzikanty jako jsou Jan Hammer, Freddie Hubbard, Miles Davis, Chick Corea, Wayne Shorter, Joe Zawinul. [url=http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miroslav_Vitouš nofollow=yes]http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miroslav_Vitouš[/url]