About Semnal M
A very influential Romanian band, with many remarcable hits, talented members, and tragic story. In autumn 1975 the band is formed, after a discussion between Iuliu Merca and Ştefan Boldijar, in the restaurant "Scoica" in Jupiter. Next year's spring brings the name of the band: "Semnal", and the first componence: Iuliu Merca, Ştefan Boldijar, Liviu Hrişcu (ex. Mondial), Constantin Sălăgean and Tavi Popovici. The official launch of the band takes place in the summer of 1976, in Costineşti. Autumn '77: the first single is recorded, containing "Moara" and "Durata". Next year comes along with their first album: "Trenul cursă de persoane Apahida - Cluj-Napoca", and the song "Moara" gets up to the third place in the BBC charts. Tavi Popovici, Costi Sălăgean and Liviu Hrişcu leave the band to found their own ephemere band "Semnal Cluj"; they are replaced by Paul Masgras and Ică Ioan Moca, and the band decides on the final name of "Semnal M". In the summer, they tour in the seaside. The winter of 1978 brings with it a new member, who is to influence the style in a decisive manner:: George "Ghiţă" Ciolac (keyboard). The manager is provided by Iuliu Şuteu from Sibiu (which has previously promoted Phoenix, and who is to later bring Holograf to the public), bringing many engagements for the young band from Cluj-Napoca. Autumn 1979: 2-week tour in Yugoslavya. The following year brings a decisive change, getting on board Solomon "Saci" Francisc as drummer and friend. The second album, "Cântece transilvane" is recorded. The most successful song, "Bal la Apahida", has even reached the "traditional" Japan top, at the same time being the basis of the etno musical style in România. Taking part at the "Club A" festival brings an important composition prize, for "Mai avem multe de făcut". There has been launched a live compilation from all winning songs in this festival, called "Club A". Paul Masgras leaves the band and the country, heading for USA. In '82, for a short period, the band has been broken, the leaving members being Ciolac, Solomon şi Boldijar. They get back just in time for the recordings at "Planeta visurilor noastre". New seaside tours follow, along with new recorded songs: "Urare", "Tânăra dimineaţă". The big success "La fereastra ta" is next. The 1983 winter brings the departure of Ghiţa Ciolac, who leaves the country for Germany. A new member is brought, Dumitru "Teaca" Căpuşan. "Desculţ în iarbă" and "Spune-mi cine eşti" are recorded. '83 - '87: tours around the country and in the seaside. "Teaca" leaves the band, getting married and moving to Craiova. Until 1994, the band stays in a trio formula: Iuliu Merca, Francisc Solomon and Ştefan Boldijar, until 1995, when Ştefan Nagy comes as the new drummer replacing Francisc "Saci" Solomon. He had occasionaly played with them before in restaurants for a short period of time. 1996 is the year of a new album, "Poveşti la gura sobei". It is immediately followed by other tours, and in summer the usual seaside season comes. Dan "Capră" Cozma (guitar, violin, keyboards, vocals), comes along. Now he is a music teacher in Germany. In 1998, the band tours in Germany, and a second guitarist joines: Florin Ştefan from Baia Mare. Next year, they play again at the seaside, in Costinesti. On the 27th of July 1999 (13:49), Iuliu Merca, the founding member, the composer and guitarist of the band tragically dies in a heart attack after playing live all night, causing a great grief among the Romanian artists, which has not only lost a great member, but also a great friend. The band sings in numerous in memoriam concerts, after which the members start having personal activities: Ştefan Nagy - manager, organisation of the creation festival "Iuliu Merca"; Florin Ştefan - classical guitar concerts, recordings. Ştefan Boldijar records together with Cornel Moldovan (guitar), Marcel Moldovan (drums, 17 years old) and Florin Ştefan a new album. From 2003 the band retakes its concert activity, in the following formula: Ştefan Boldijar, Florin Ştefan and Ştefan Nagy, together with Marcel Moldovan as percusionist. Occasionally, the old friend Dorin Ciobâcă plays in the concerts (keyboards, guitar).