Hey Chech This Out.
What's good everyone? I just wanted to let everyone in on my project that I'm trying to promote. No really, listen, because it's for a good cause. It's called Truffula Clothing and what I do is design and print indie-style graphic tees on and with all eco-friendly products while donating to the Save The Earth foundation. I'm REALLY just trying to get the Truffula name out there and trying to make people aware. Truffula is more than just a graphic tee shop, it's community, culture, art, music and awareness. Please help Truffula and be a part of something awesome.
Add Truffula on Facebook: http://facebook.com/truffulaclothing
Visit the Website to shop and learn more: http://ashtroprinting.com/truffula.html
Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/truffulaproject