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You know what? Lion King... I think it is a great example of revenge turning into justice. Even the not as popular sequel :)
by Nikki_rose
@FreelancePagodaDesigner wrote:
I dunno...prolly some really borefest movie thats longer than 2hours with an IMDB score below 3.0 that I would recommend to the person Im about to unleash this anathema on with words..."you gotta be patient and watch the whole thing because the last 30min of it are really rewarding".
I dunno...prolly some really borefest movie thats longer than 2hours with an IMDB score below 3.0 that I would recommend to the person Im about to unleash this anathema on with words..."you gotta be patient and watch the whole thing because the last 30min of it are really rewarding".
by jigglypuff
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by jigglypuff
Explore hidden pathways and discover shortcuts in the online game that rewards exploration and mastery.
I Saw the Devil
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by Octo_pus_pus
Does what it says on the tin.
by ArchieLeach
Man on Fire
Kill Bil
lV for Vendetta
Cape Fear
The Godfather
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