total pop quizzery.
try to answer all ten questions. do your best not to peek at answers already posted below your post. it is 2018, i don't care if you use the internet for help.
1) Kiss rocker Gene Simmons was given what Hebrew first name at birth?
2) what is the scientific name of the mineral rock known as "fool's gold"?
3) of the 15 R.E.M. studio albums, only four feature female vocals. what were the years of release for those four albums?
4) in what year did the country of Canada officially receive complete independence from Great Britain and its Parliamentary law?
a. 1840
b. 1867
c. 1953
d. 1982
5) in 1995 Neil Young released the album 'Mirror Ball' which featured Pearl Jam as a backing band. in the same year, Pearl Jam released a two-song single which featured Neil Young on guitar. what was the name of the single?
6) much is made of singer Cher's Cherokee ancestry, but she is also actually half ___________ from her father's side.
7) in the television show South Park, how did Clyde's mom (Betsy Donovan) meet her demise?
8) 5+6/3-4+8x12-(6+9)/(8-5)x2+7 = x | solve equation for x.
9) Jimmy Chamberlin, drummer for the Smashing Pumpkins, has officially joined/rejoined the band a total of how many times, as of July, 2018?
10) church sermon is to religion as ___________ is to politics.